Refund a payment
  • 21 Feb 2025
  • 1 Minute to read
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Refund a payment

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Article summary

Utilize a refund to reimburse a customer for a payment. Refunds can be executed via API or our portal.

There are two types of refunds you may need to process:

  1. Full Refund: This returns the entire payment amount to the customer and can only be performed once.

  2. Partial Refund: This returns a sum less than the captured amount. Multiple partial refunds can be issued, but the cumulative refunded amount cannot exceed the original payment amount.


Refunds cannot be cancelled once they have been requested.

Request a refund via API

To process a refund successfully, you must provide the PSP ID of the captured payment. The request is provided in the response

The requests are the same for partial and full refunds. Any refunds for less than the originally captured amount will be considered partial refunds. The transaction type PARTIALREFUND applies for full and partial refunds.

PUT /api/directconnect/execute Try it here

Request Example

  "TransactionType": "PARTIALREFUND",
  "Amount": "1.00",
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "CallBackURL": "",
  "IsTest": false,
  "PspId": "750762"

Response Example

"pspid": 738246,
"bankResponse": "Processed",
"bankAccept": "YES",
"cardToken": "9705594a-365d-4157-84a8-5af04bbb8507",
"redirectUrl": null,
"isSuccess": true,
"errorMessage": null

Manually refunding a payment using our Portal

Link to portal guide here

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