Callback Notifications
  • 20 Feb 2025
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Callback Notifications

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Article summary

Callback Notifications

Throughout the payment process, you will receive callback notifications that provide information regarding the various states of the transaction. These callback notifications serve as asynchronous responses to track the progress and outcome of the payment transaction.

The callback notifications can include different states and updates related to the transaction as follows:

PENDINGYou will receive a callback notification when the transaction is successfully initiated, indicating that the payment has been initialized and the user has started the payment process.
PROCESSEDUpon successful payment capture, a callback notification will be sent to notify you that the funds associated with the transaction have been successfully transferred and captured.
APPROVEDProvided on a succesful request of an authorisation. This status is used by certain acquirers only. When not supported, then the status "Processed" will be used.
DECLINEDIn cases where the payment is declined or unsuccessful, you will receive a callback notification notifying you of the declined transaction, along with relevant details or error codes to assist with further actions.
ERRORShould an error occur throughout the payment process, you will receive a callback notification to inform you that the transaction has resulted in an error.
SSL/TLS for Callback URLs

SSL/TLS are required for callback URLs, unsecured callback URLs are not allowed. Do not use any custom ports in the URL.

Order of Delivery

We make every effort to ensure the asynchronous delivery of callback notifications. However, it is essential to note that the order of their delivery is not guaranteed. To effectively handle this aspect, we recommend implementing measures in your application to protect against duplicated events and enable event processing idempotence. By doing so, you can prevent unintended side effects or inconsistencies in your system caused by duplicate callback events

Sample Notification

    "AttemptNumber": 1,
    "SentDateTime": 1721043745,
    "TransactionToken": "8cdafce8caab497ab65de896a2fb2df1",
    "OrderReference": "GPY14656521",
    "Status": "Processed",
    "AuthCode": "854318",
    "CardInput": true,
    "PspId": "334564",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "Amount": "13.29",
    "BankMessage": "Insufficient Funds",
    "CardNumber": "445951******3714",
    "CardExpiry": "07/2028",
    "CardHolderName": "Joe Smith",
    "CardCountry": "MLT",
    "CardType": "VISA",
    "CardToken": "e66ae1c4-30da-4b4d-85fd-aabc37f19bc2",
    "Acquirer": "BOVPAYON",
    "Email": "",
    "BankErrorCode": "B2",
    "UniqueReference": "00a00579-5c6a-21de-e7d0-7aeb673c5a35",
    "ClientAccount": "CliAcc01002",
    "Is3DS": true

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