Using our Stored Card Feature
  • 20 Feb 2025
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Using our Stored Card Feature

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Article summary

Stored Card Feature on the Hosted Payment Page

The Hosted Payment Page includes a stored card feature, allowing users to select a previously saved card from a successful transaction. Users can select a previously used card, enter the CVV, and click Confirm to complete the transaction.

Client Account

To check for stored cards, include the ClientAccount in the payload. This helps us identify if any cards are linked to the account.

Below is an example of the payment page when the stored card feature is enabled:

Enabling the Stored Card Feature for Transactions

To enable the stored card feature when processing payments, follow these steps:

1. Include the ClientAccount in the Payload

When creating an HPP token, ensure that the ClientAccount is included as part of the Client object to check for any stored cards linked to the user account.

2. User Selects 'Remember Card' on the Payment Page

On the payment page, the user must check the 'Remember Card' option to store their card for future transactions.


3. Configure the ShowSavedCards Option (Optional)

You can specify how many saved cards will be available for the user to select. If set to '1', only the most recent card will be displayed. If ShowSavedCards is not specified, the system defaults to showing up to 5 stored cards.

Example Payload

  "TransactionType": "PURC",
  "Amount": 10.01,
  "Currency": "EUR",
  "IsTest": true,
  "OrderReference": "MerchantOrder1-556",
  "UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
  "Language": "mt",
  "RedirectionURL": "",
  "CallBackURL": "",
  "FailRedirectionURL": "",
  "Client": {
    "Email": "",
    "ClientAccount": "A203242",
    "FirstName": "Frictionless",
    "LastName": "Processed",
    "MobileNo": "00441234567",
    "Street": "High Street",
    "City": "Manchester",
    "State": "UK",
     "Country": "GBR",
    "ZIPCode": "MCD12323",
    "DateOfBirth": "1924-12-31",
    "IPAddress": ""
  "Routing": {
    "ForceBank": "PTEST"
  "Configuration": {
    "CardHolderNameEdit": "true",

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