- 14 Mar 2025
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- Updated on 14 Mar 2025
- 3 Minutes to read
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Supported Transaction Types
Integrations Supported
Deposit - Authorisation / Purchase
Hosted Payment Page
Direct Connect ( server-to-server)
Capture, Refunds, Payouts
Hosted Payment Page
Direct Connect ( server-to-server)
Currencies & Countries Supported
Title | Description |
Currencies Supported | Most major currencies |
Additional attributes to process Deposits
You must include the following JSON Attributes to the payload. These attributes inform us to proceed with the redirection to TPF to finalize the payment process.
if you are using our Hosted Payment Page
Description | Hosted Payment Page |
Transaction Type | "TransactionType": "AUTH" or "PURC" |
Force Transaction Routing | “Routing”:{ "ForceBank": "TPF” } |
Client Details | "Client": { "ClientAccount": "957be0032f58460e9c557064d5c6cf90", "FirstName": "Apco", "LastName": "Test", "Country": "MLT", "Email": "apcopayintegrations@ipsyon.tech", "ZIPCode": "MRS3000", "IPAddress": "", "City":"Valleta" |
Test Indicator | "isTest”: true |
Sample requests using our Hosted Payment Page can be viewed here.
"TransactionType": "PURC",
"Amount": "1.00",
"Currency": "EUR",
"IsTest": "True",
"OrderReference": "TPFTest",
"Language": "en",
"RedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Redirect/",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://yourURLhere.com/FailRedirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Listener",
"Client": {
"ClientAccount": "957be0032f58460e9c557064d5c6cf90",
"FirstName": "Apco",
"LastName": "Test",
"Country": "MLT",
"Email": "apcopayintegrations@ipsyon.tech",
"ZIPCode": "MRS3000",
"IPAddress": "",
"Routing": {
"ForceBank": "TPF"
If you are using our direct connect solution (server-to-server)
Description | Direct Connect |
Transaction Type | "TransactionType": "AUTH" or "PURC" |
Force Transaction Routing | "Routing":{ "ForceBank": "TPF” } |
Client Details | ""Client": { "ClientAccount": "957be0032f58460e9c557064d5c6cf90", "FirstName": "Apco", "LastName": "Test", "Country": "MLT", "City":"Valleta", "Email": "apcopayintegrations@ipsyon.tech", "ZIPCode": "MRS3000", "IPAddress": "" |
Card Details | "PaymentCredentials": { "PaymentSource": "Card", "CardType": "VISA", "CardNumber": 4000001219146651, "CvV2": 123, "ExpMonth": "11", "ExpYear": 2028, "CardHolderName": "frictionless Processed" |
Browser details | "BrowserDetails": { "UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36", "JavaEnabled": true, "ScreenColorDepth": "1", "ScreenWidth": "1080", "ScreenHeight": "840", "TimeZone": "2", "AcceptHeader": "application/json", "BrowserLanguage": "en" } |
Test Indicator | "isTest”: true |
Sample requests using Direct Connect can be viewed here.
"TransactionType": "AUTH",
"Currency": "EUR",
"Amount": 1.00,
"OrderReference": "Order12324",
"UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
"Language": "en",
"RedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/callback",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/FailRedirect",
"IsTest": true,
"ForceBank": "TPF"
"Client": {
"Email": "joe.bloggs@mailinator.com",
"ClientAccount": "957be0032f58460e9c557064d5c6cf90",
"FirstName": "Joe",
"LastName": "Smith",
"Country": "MLT",
"MobileNo": "0044123456789",
"Street": "High Street",
"City": "Valletta",
"ZIPCode": "VLT1234",
"State": "Valletta",
"IPAddress": ""
"BrowserDetails": {
"UserAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36",
"JavaEnabled": true,
"ScreenColorDepth": "1",
"ScreenWidth": "1080",
"ScreenHeight": "840",
"TimeZone": "2",
"AcceptHeader": "application/json",
"BrowserLanguage": "en"
"PaymentCredentials": {
"PaymentSource": "Card",
"CardType": "VISA",
"CardNumber": "4000001219146651",
"CvV2": "123",
"ExpMonth": "12",
"ExpYear": "2025",
"CardHolderName": "Frictionless Processed"
Requesting a Capture
If you wish to Capture
a transaction of type Authorisation
, below are the mandatory fields.
Description | Direct Connect |
Transaction Type | "TransactionType": "CAPT", |
Transaction Reference | "PspID": "342342” |
sample request for processing a capture
"TransactionType": "CAPT",
"Amount": 10.00,
"CallBackURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Listener",
"IsTest": true,
"UniqueReference": "6514441d-8abe-4d7b-9e0c-3aa386333b34",
Requesting a Refund
Using our direct integration, below are the mandatory fields required to process a refund
. Refund are only possible up to the original deposit amount.
Description | |
Transaction Type | "TransactionType": "PARTIALREFUND" |
Transaction or Payment Reference | "PspID": "342342” |
Test Indicator | "isTest”: true |
Sample refund request below
"TransactionType": "PARTIALREFUND",
"Amount": "1.00",
"OrderReference": "TPF_Refund",
"UniqueReference": "6514441d-8abe-4d7b-9e0c-3aa386333b34",
"RedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Listener",
"PspId" : "153574",
"IsTest": true
Requesting a Payout
Using our direct integration, below are the mandatory fields required to process a payout
. We currently support three options for payout:
via a PSP ID
via a Card Token
via a full Card PAN details
Description | PSP ID | Card Token | Full Card PAN |
Transaction Type | "TransactionType": "ORIGINALCREDIT" | ||
Force Transaction Routing | Not required | "Routing": { "ForceBank": "TPF" }, | "Routing": { "ForceBank": "TPF" }, |
Client | "Client": { "FirstName": "Apco", "LastName": "Test", "Email": "apcotest@test.com", "Street": "1, Street", "City": "Marsa", "IPAddress": "", "ZIPCode": "MRS3000", "Country": "MLT", "MobileNo": "+20100000000" "DateOfBirth":"1984-01-03" }, | "Client": { "FirstName": "Apco", "LastName": "Test", "Email": "apcotest@test.com", "Street": "1, Street", "City": "Marsa", "IPAddress": "", "ZIPCode": "MRS3000", "Country": "MLT", "MobileNo": "+20100000000" "DateOfBirth":"1984-01-03" }, | "Client": { "FirstName": "Apco", "LastName": "Test", "Email": "apcotest@test.com", "Street": "1, Street", "City": "Marsa", "IPAddress": "", "ZIPCode": "MRS3000", "Country": "MLT", "MobileNo": "+20100000000" "DateOfBirth":"1984-01-03" }, |
Transaction or Payment Reference | "PspID": "342342” | "PaymentDestination": { "PaymentMethod": "CardToken", "CardToken": "c840e58e-519d-409a-b525-297fadf60733" }, | "PaymentDestination": { "PaymentMethod": "Card", "CardType": "VISA", "CardNumber": "4000000000001018", "CardHolderName": "Apco Test", "ExpMonth": "12", "ExpYear": "2040", "CvV2":"123" }, |
Test Indicator | "isTest”: true | "isTest”: true | "isTest”: true |
Sample Payout Request using the PSP ID
"TransactionType": "ORIGINALCREDIT",
"Amount": 1.00,
"Currency": "EUR",
"OrderReference": "Order42323",
"UniqueReference": "e0a65b67-6723-4ed4-bcdc-168f242f8df9",
"CallBackURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Listener",
"RedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Redirect/",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://www.yourURLhere.com/Redirect/failed",
"Client": {
"FirstName": "Apco",
"LastName": "Test",
"Email": "apcotest@test.com",
"Street": "1,Street",
"City": "Marsa",
"IPAddress": "",
"ZIPCode": "MRS3000",
"Country": "MLT",
"MobileNo": "+20100000000"
"IsTest": true,
"PSPID": "823205"
Test Credentials
Test Card details below. You must use a future expiry date and use “Frictionless Processed” as the cardholder name. For more test information on different card use cases here.
Card Details | ExpMonth | ExpYear | Cvv |
4000001219146651 | 11 | 2028 | 123 |