- 17 Feb 2025
- 6 Minutes to read
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- Updated on 17 Feb 2025
- 6 Minutes to read
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PayRetailers is a payment service provider that facilitates online payments for emerging markets, particularly in Latin America and Africa. This integration offers access to over 300 payment methods, including traditional options like credit cards and alternative methods such as bank transfers, QR codes, and digital wallets.
Supported Transaction Types
Integrations Supported
Hosted Payment Page
Direct Connect ( server-to-server)
Hosted Payment Page
Direct Connect ( server-to-server)
Currencies & Countries Supported
Title | Description |
Currencies Supported | MXN, BRL, CLP |
Available Options Per Country
Options Name | Payment Type |
BBVA | Online Payments |
Santander | Online Payments |
Scotiabank | Online Payments |
SPEI | Online Payments |
HSBC | Online Payments |
7 Eleven | Cash Payments |
A-Tiendes | Cash Payments |
AirPak | Cash Payments |
Banco Azteca | Cash Payments |
Banorte | Cash Payments |
BBVA | Cash Payments |
Caja Solidaria Tamaulipas | Cash Payments |
Cefemax | Cash Payments |
Farmacias Bazar | Cash Payments |
Farmacias Benavides | Cash Payments |
Grupo Petro FE | Cash Payments |
HSBC | Cash Payments |
La Original | Cash Payments |
Maxilana | Cash Payments |
Moy Especias | Cash Payments |
One | Cash Payments |
OXXO | Cash Payments |
Santander | Cash Payments |
Scotiabank | Cash Payments |
Superama | Cash Payments |
Walmart | Cash Payments |
Alamano | Cash Payments |
Alsuper | Cash Payments |
Banco Forjadores | Cash Payments |
Banco AurrerĂ¡ | Cash Payments |
Caja Cerro de la Silla | Cash Payments |
El Asturiano | Cash Payments |
Extra | Cash Payments |
Farmacias del Ahorro | Cash Payments |
Gestopago | Cash Payments |
Kiosko | Cash Payments |
Mi Adelanto | Cash Payments |
Multirecargas | Cash Payments |
Paso Seguro | Cash Payments |
Red Efectiva | Cash Payments |
Sam's Club | Cash Payments |
Super Farmacia | Cash Payments |
Te creemos | Cash Payments |
Waldo's | Cash Payments |
Circle K | Cash Payments |
Prendamex | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Banco do Brasil | Online Payments |
Bradesco | Online Payments |
Ita | Online Payments |
Banrisul | Online Payments |
Santander | Online Payments |
TED | Online Payments |
PIX | Online Payments |
Boleto PIX | Online Payments |
Boleto | Cash Payments |
Boleto RĂ¡pido | Cash Payments |
Boleto PIX | Cash Payments |
VISA | Card Payments |
Mastercard | Card Payments |
ELO | Card Payments |
Hipercard | Card Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
PSE | Online Payments |
Scotiabank Colpatria | Online Payments |
Bancolombia | Online Payments |
Davivienda | Online Payments |
Banco Caja Social | Online Payments |
Banco de BogotĂ¡ | Online Payments |
Ă‘equi | Online Payments |
Banco Popular | Online Payments |
Ita | Online Payments |
CITI | Online Payments |
Banco Falabella | Online Payments |
BBVA | Online Payments |
Banco de Occidente | Online Payments |
Efecty | Cash Payments |
Via Baloto | Cash Payments |
4-72 | Cash Payments |
SER | Cash Payments |
Davivienda | Cash Payments |
Carulla | Cash Payments |
Su Red | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Walmart | Cash Payments |
Super Selectos | Cash Payments |
Grupo Mega | Cash Payments |
AirPak | Cash Payments |
Tiendas Galo | Cash Payments |
Credicomer | Cash Payments |
idri | Cash Payments |
El Gallo mĂ¡s Gallo | Cash Payments |
Pagos 724 | Cash Payments |
Fedecaces | Cash Payments |
Optima | Cash Payments |
Integral | Cash Payments |
Punto Express | Cash Payments |
Fedecrece | Cash Payments |
Farmacias | Cash Payments |
EconĂ³micas | Cash Payments |
Prado | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
BBVA | Online Payments |
Caja Arequipa | Online Payments |
Caja Huancayo | Online Payments |
Caja Tacna | Online Payments |
Caja Trujillo | Online Payments |
Interbank | Online Payments |
Scotiabank | Online Payments |
Via BCP | Online Payments |
BBVA | Cash Payments |
Caja Arequipa | Cash Payments |
Caja Huancayo | Cash Payments |
Caja Tacna | Cash Payments |
Caja Trujillo | Cash Payments |
Interbank | Cash Payments |
Scotiabank | Cash Payments |
Tambo | Cash Payments |
Via BCP | Cash Payments |
Western Union | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Santander | Online Payments |
Bci | Online Payments |
TBanc | Online Payments |
Klap | Online Payments |
TBI | Online Payments |
Lider | Cash Payments |
Express de Lider | Cash Payments |
Acuenta | Cash Payments |
Servi Pag | Cash Payments |
Webpay plus | Card Payments |
Servi Pag | Card Payments |
Mach | e-Wallet Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Banco Guayaquil | Online Payments |
Banco Pichincha | Online Payments |
Banco Guayaquil | Cash Payments |
Red Activa | Cash Payments |
Banco Pichincha | Cash Payments |
Pichincha Mi Vecino | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Pago FĂ¡cil | Cash Payments |
Rapipago | Cash Payments |
Carga Virtual | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Banco Industrial | Online Payments |
Banco Industrial | Cash Payments |
Options Name | Payment Type |
Western Union | Cash Payments |
Required Attributes to process through PayRetailers
You must include the following JSON attributes to the payload.
Description | Hosted Payment Page | Direct Connect (Withdrawals)*2 |
Transaction type | "TransactionType": "PURC", | "TransactionType": "ORIGINALCREDIT", |
Client | "Client": { "Email": "test@email.com", "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Country": "BRA", "MobileNo": " 11960102030", "Street": "Avenida Beira-Mar", "City": "Rio De Janeiro", "ZIPCode": "20021-060", "State": "N/A", "IPAddress": "" }, | "Client": { "Email": "test@email.com", "FirstName": "John", "LastName": "Doe", "Country": "BRA", "MobileNo": " 11960102030", "Street": "Avenida Beira-Mar", "City": "Rio De Janeiro", "ZIPCode": "20021-060", "State": "N/A", "IPAddress": "" }, |
Force Transaction Routing | "Routing": { "ForcePayment": "PAYRETAILERS" }, | |
Payment Method Data*1 | "PaymentMethodData" : { "BankIdentifierCode": "269ce926-07f3-4860-abc0-e4287758fb78" }, | "PaymentDestination": { "PaymentMethodData": { "PayoutAccountTypeCode": "0001", "BankName": "341", "DocumentNumber": "00183562658", "DocumentType": "1", "AccountAgencyNumber": "8585", "BankAccountType": "0001", "BeneficiaryAccountNumber": "0001" } }, |
Test Indicator (required in Sandbox Environment only) | "IsTest": True |
*1 This node has been provided as an example for a deposit with BankIdentifierCode which is Optional and if it is not passed it will default to Payment Method assigned by the Provider.
The allowed Payment Methods by the Provider can be retrieved by calling the Get Payments Methods call found at the following link. The value of the BankIdentifierCode will have to be one of the PaymentMethodIds representing the specific payment method.
Note: The PaymentMethodData in the Payout is Mandatory.
*2 Please refer to the Reference Values in the Table Hereunder for the PayoutAccountTypeCode (Account Types Section), BankName (Available Banks Section) and DocumentType (Document Types Section)
PIX Payout - The RecipientPixKey needs to be added to the PaymentMethodData JSON structure made available in the example above e.g. "RecipientPixKey": "00183562658"
Attribute Description
Deposit Extra Parameters
Country (mandatory)
Payout Extra Parameters
FirstName (mandatory)
LastName (mandatory)
Email (mandatory)
Country (mandatory)
DocumentType (mandatory) Values are in table "Document Types" specific by Country
DocumentNumber (mandatory) Client’s document number as per the document type specified in the Document Type tag.
BankAccountType (mandatory) Value must be specific per country. In Tables "Account Types" find the Account Types available per country. (Use the column value)
BeneficiaryAccountNumber (mandatory)
BankName (mandatory) The Values can be found in the table "Available Banks". Use value column to send in the tag.
AccountAgencyNumber (mandatory) - Agency Code of the bank. This information will be provided by the bank and it specifies the agency number within the bank. For PIX payouts only: Only numbers BEFORE the dash must be entered (example: 1234-5 would only be 1234). For Banco Do Brazil only: Format for account agency number must be "XXXX-X"
RecipientPixKey - When using PIX payouts, the parameter RecipientPixKey is required. This parameter will vary in value depending on the customer's PIX key, which can be one of the following: Phone Number / E-Mail / Random Key
Reference Values
Account Types
Value | Description |
0001 | Poupanca |
0002 | Conta Corrente |
Value | Description | Bank |
0001 | Cuenta Corriente / Cueta Vista | All Banks |
0002 | Cuenta de ahorro | All Banks |
0003 | Chequera electrĂ³nica | Banco Estado |
0004 | Cuenta RUT | Banco Estado |
Value | Description |
0001 | General |
Available Banks
Value | Description |
001 | Banco do Brasil S.A. |
341 | Banco ItaĂº S.A. |
033 | Banco Santander (Brasil) S.A. |
237 | Banco Bradesco S.A. |
745 | Banco Citibank S.A. |
104 | Caixa EconĂ´mica Federal |
422 | Banco Safra S.A. |
748 | Banco Cooperativo Sicredi S.A. |
041 | Banco do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul S.A. BANRISUL |
208 | Banco UBS Pactual S.A. |
655 | Banco Votorantim S.A. |
735 | Banco Neon |
007 | Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento EconĂ´mica e Social |
011 | Credit Suisse Hedging-Griffo Corretora de Valores S.A. |
077 | Banco Inter S.A. |
121 | Banco Agibank S.A |
212 | Banco Original S.A. |
260 | Nu Pagamentos S.A. |
279 | BMP Money Plus |
336 | Banco C6 S.A. |
Value | Description |
012 | Banco Del Estado De Chile |
504 | Banco Bbva ( Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Chile) / Banco Bhif |
028 | Banco Bice |
055 | Banco Consorcio |
027 | Banco Corpbanca |
001 | Banco De Chile / Banco A. Edwards / Credichile / Citybank |
016 | Banco De Crédito E Inversiones (BCI) / Tbanc |
507 | Banco Del Desarrollo |
051 | Banco Falabella |
009 | Banco Internacional |
039 | Banco Itau Chile / Bank Boston |
053 | Banco Ripley |
057 | Banco Paris |
037 | Banco Santander – Santiago / Banco Santander / Banefe |
049 | Banco Security |
672 | Coopeuch |
031 | HSBC Bank (Chile) |
014 | Scotiabank / Sud - Americano |
Value | Description |
37006 | BANCOMEXT |
37009 | BANOBRAS |
37019 | BANJERCITO |
37135 | NAFIN |
37166 | BANSEFI |
40002 | BANAMEX |
40014 | SANTANDER |
40021 | HSBC |
40030 | BAJIO |
40036 | INBURSA |
40042 | MIFEL |
40044 | SCOTIABANK |
40058 | BANREGIO |
40059 | INVEX |
40060 | BANSI |
40062 | AFIRME |
40072 | BANORTE |
40108 | MUFG |
40110 | JP MORGAN |
40112 | BMONEX |
40113 | VE POR MAS |
40124 | DEUSTCHE |
40127 | AZTECA |
40128 | AUTOFIN |
40129 | BARCLAY'S |
40131 | BANCO FAMSA |
40133 | ACTINVER |
40137 | BANCOPPEL |
40138 | ABC CAPITAL |
40140 | CONSUBANCO |
40141 | VOLKSWAGEN |
40143 | CIBANCO |
40145 | BBASE |
40147 | BANKAOOL |
40148 | PAGATODO |
40151 | DONDE |
40152 | BANCREA |
40155 | ICBC |
40156 | SABADELL |
40157 | SHINHAN |
40158 | MIZUHO BANK |
40160 | BANCO S3 |
90600 | MONEXCB |
90601 | GBM |
90602 | MASARI |
90605 | VALUE |
90608 | VECTOR |
90613 | CBOLSA |
90616 | FINAMEX |
90617 | VALMEX |
90620 | PROFUTURO |
90630 | CB INTERCAM |
90631 | CI BOLSA |
90634 | FINCOMUN |
90636 | HDI SEGUROS |
90638 | AKALA |
90642 | REFORMA |
90646 | STP |
90648 | EVERCORE |
90653 | KUSPIT |
90656 | UNAGRA |
90670 | CB LIBERTAD |
90684 | TRANSFER |
90685 | FONDO (FIRA) |
90686 | INVERCAP |
90689 | FOMPED |
90902 | INDEVAL |
90903 | CoDI Valida |
Document Types
Value | Description |
1 | CPF |
2 | CNPJ |
Value | Description |
cl_rut | RUT |
Value | Description |
40 | General |
Reference Payloads
Refer to our API Reference Document here to create a Hosted Payment Page, use the below mandatory tags to process a deposit.
Below is a sample deposit request.
"TransactionType": "PURC",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Amount": "100",
"OrderReference": "Order0121"
"UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
"RedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://yoururl.com/Listener",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"Language": "en",
"Client": {
"Email": "test@email.com",
"ClientAccount": "CliAcc01002",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Country": "BRA",
"MobileNo": "11960102030",
"Street": "Street Name, 1",
"City": "Rio De Janeiro",
"ZIPCode": "30342",
"State": "Brasil",
"DateOfBirth": "1977-12-31",
"IPAddress": ""
"Routing": {
"ForcePayment": "PAYRETAILERS"
"IsTest": true
Below is a sample deposit request with BankCode.
"TransactionType": "PURC",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Amount": "100",
"OrderReference": "Order0121"
"UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
"RedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://yoururl.com/Listener",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"Language": "en",
"Client": {
"Email": "test@email.com",
"ClientAccount": "CliAcc01002",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Country": "BRA",
"MobileNo": "11960102030",
"Street": "Street Name, 1",
"City": "Rio De Janeiro",
"ZIPCode": "30342",
"State": "Brasil",
"DateOfBirth": "1977-12-31",
"IPAddress": ""
"Routing": {
"ForcePayment": "PAYRETAILERS"
"PaymentMethodData" : {
"BankIdentifierCode": "269ce926-07f3-4860-abc0-e4287758fb78"
"IsTest": true
Withdrawals are processed via Direct Connect. The API reference to request a payout can be found here.
Below is a sample Withdrawal request.
"TransactionType": "ORIGINALCREDIT",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Amount": "50",
"OrderReference": "Order002"
"UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
"RedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://yoururl.com/Listener",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"Language": "en",
"Client": {
"Email": "test@email.com",
"ClientAccount": "CliAcc01002",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Country": "BRA",
"MobileNo": "11960102030",
"Street": "Street Name, 1",
"City": "Rio De Janeiro",
"ZIPCode": "30342",
"State": "Brasil",
"DateOfBirth": "1977-12-31",
"IPAddress": ""
"Routing": {
"ForcePayment": "PAYRETAILERS"
"PaymentDestination": {
"PaymentMethodData": {
"PayoutAccountTypeCode": "0001",
"BankName": "341",
"DocumentNumber": "00183562658",
"DocumentType": "1",
"AccountAgencyNumber": "8585",
"BankAccountType": "0001",
"BeneficiaryAccountNumber": "0001"
"IsTest": true
Below is a sample Withdrawal request for PIX Payout
"TransactionType": "ORIGINALCREDIT",
"Currency": "BRL",
"Amount": "50",
"OrderReference": "Order002"
"UniqueReference": "4b8da4f0-d3b4-44ae-8019-8c66905ffad7",
"RedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"CallBackURL": "https://yoururl.com/Listener",
"FailRedirectionURL": "https://yoururl.com/Redirect/",
"Language": "en",
"Client": {
"Email": "test@email.com",
"ClientAccount": "CliAcc01002",
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Doe",
"Country": "BRA",
"MobileNo": "11960102030",
"Street": "Street Name, 1",
"City": "Rio De Janeiro",
"ZIPCode": "30342",
"State": "Brasil",
"DateOfBirth": "1977-12-31",
"IPAddress": ""
"Routing": {
"ForcePayment": "PAYRETAILERS"
"PaymentDestination": {
"PaymentMethodData": {
"PayoutAccountTypeCode": "0001",
"BankName": "341",
"DocumentNumber": "00183562658",
"DocumentType": "1",
"AccountAgencyNumber": "8585",
"BankAccountType": "0001",
"BeneficiaryAccountNumber": "0001",
"RecipientPixKey": "00183562658"
"IsTest": true